Facebooka video nasıl eklenir?
Facebook video yükleyerek arkadaşlarınızla çeşitli sevdiğiniz kişisel anlarınızı ya da sadece yeni favori videonuzu paylaşmak için harika bir araçtır. Facebook'a video yüklemek basittir.
- 2Tıkla "Add Photos/Videos." You can find this option above your status bar at the top of the screen.
- 3Click on "Upload Photos/Video." This is the option on the left.
- 4Select the video you'd like to upload. Search through your files to select the video you'd like to share.
- 5Click "Choose."
- 6Write a caption (optional). If you'd like to add a caption for the video, just type into the place where it says "Say something about this..."
- 7Click "Post." Wait for your video to finish uploading.
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